Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Are the Odds?

Yesterday (December 9th) I was the featured speaker at the Edison Chamber of Commerce Holiday party. Apparently Larry the Cable Guy backed out at the last minute and Jay Leno was unavailable on short notice. So I was next in line.

I typically start my talks by asking how many of the people in the room have daughters. In a room of 60 people, I would expect 20-40 hands to go up. Instead I saw exactly three! At first I thought perhaps they were just unresponsive, but as I began to interact I realized that I was in a sea of people with all sons. What are the odds?

Wow, talk about a tough crowd. Oh well, when the Estrogen jokes don't work, I can always fall back on the my old reliable - making fun of Danish names. That goes over like a charm.